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Mindful Living and Mindful Marketing

Join Neil on a wonderful journey of personal and professional development, covering:

BEING PRESENT – helping you and those around you, to understand the beauty of being, in the moment

REIKI AND ENERGIES – expanding your horizons for fulfilment, every day

EMBRACING NATURE – the seasons and the elements, help us with our deep, inner work

SELF AWARENESS AND ARCHETYPES – helping you to actively listen to your heart, mind and body

FITNESS, WELLNESS, MEDITATION – nutrition, sleep, relaxation and a balanced lifestyle

EXPLORING OTHER REALMS – expanding our senses by exploring beyond what we normally see and hear

MINDFUL PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT – aligning what we are doing every day, with our soul contract

IKIGAI LIFESTYLE – being rewarded for what we love doing, that the world needs and that we are good at

PERSONA DRIVEN MARKETING – finding a deeper and more value-driven connection with your customers

PURPOSE FOCUSED BUSINESS – doing business to benefit society, community and the planet, at the same time as making great profits

MINDFUL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – training and empowering yourself and your team

NEW MARKETING MIX – putting product, people, process and profit at the heart of your marketing planning and delivery

CUSTOMER JOURNEYS – mindful choreography of the optimum customer journey to enhance the professional intimacy of your customer relationships

MARKETING STRATEGY – aligning the current situation and trends, with your vision and the tools and tactics to deliver measurable results

PEOPLE, BUDGET AND TIME – mindful leadership and decision making, to maximise the return on investment in your resources

YOUR MARKETING CAREER – finding and developing the ideal role or your own business, doing what you love and are good at, that the world needs and you can be rewarded for

Visit Neil’s Archive for more details, interviews, articles, blogs and more.